About us

Spectrum Yoga Instruments

Know about Spectrum Consultants

Spectrum Consultants is a multi divisional company established in the year 1986, Since then we have successfully served many prominent companies in Manufacturing of Products.

Besides, our Electronic Division is engaged in offering Projects to Students of Engineering Discipline.
Further, we offer various Training Programs and also help setting up Smart Labs.

Our President himself is an Inventor and is having many inventions in his credit. Many years back once he became physically sick due to professional stress. He moved to various medical practitioners to get relief, but, nothing came positive. All of a sudden he was attracted by a sign board of a Yoga Centre in Kolkata and immediately he reached there. The principal teacher of that centre told him that you must get relief from trouble, if you just practice a few postures and follow some lessons. Miraculously within a week’s time the situation was entirely changed and our President earned not only physical strength, but gained considerable energy in mind. That was the gateway of entering into the unknown domain of internal world. He started researching deeply and entered into the core of Indian Philosophy. Through years long practice, he successfully discovered the fundamental relationship exists in between the physical and mental world.
He finally landed at a conclusion that primarily we all need to follow a yoga path correctly to gain mental and physical fitness.
In absence of a knowledgeable Yoga Teacher, how the people can practice Yoga perfectly he started thinking on it and finally, the architecture of YOGA BED is designed.
This unique bed now has been launched by our group and we welcome you all to use it,
This product is not only innovative, but also is extremely useful. This will help you to keep physically fit and mentally strong round the year. It is a Teacher free Product and can serve nicely to all members of your family or your organisation.

Finally, it is our great privilege to tell you that for enhancing the level of Concentration of Mind, soon we are going to launch a complete package of Products under name Concentration Box.
Apart from the said activities, we have some other Knowledge based Instruments to know about the understanding of universe and core secret of Mind.

Years Experience
Group of Members
Types of Products

Our Mission

Time has come to make our Mind fresh and Healthy for all time.
To do this, the first condition is to orient our body 100% fit, thereafter, we can follow easily the lessons in regarding applications of techniques to make our mind strong, energetic and joyful.
With a view to reach the aforesaid goal, new nature of Instruments are required.
Spectrum Consultants is committed to fulfill your requirement by supplying a varied nature of Innovative Gadgets at an affordable price.