Yoga bed – to keep you always mentally & physically fit.

Spectrum Yoga Instruments


Overview of yoga bed

It is expected that within a week’s time you will start getting positive result from Yoga Bed. Because, the Installed Machinery unknowingly will help you change your grossness. It will take you always towards soothing finer mental scale. The Parameter which is responsible to act into it is VIBRATION.

Normally, we live in the arena of grosser vibration and due to this, we suffer from various mental and physical illness.

The more will be finer the Mental Vibration in accordance with your Physic, the more Power and Joy will start coming.

Through Artificial alignment of Yoga Bed machinery, automatically the scale will move towards finer. Because, the very Tendency of Flowing Nervous Current towards Finer and finally towards the Causal State of Mind.

To know more on it, you can feel liberty to contact our Helpline.

yoga bed product is a life time solution for you & all your family members.
This product is a life time solution for you & all your family members.

Using technique

Any time as per you suitability 12-15 minutes you have to spend for using your yoga bed.

Along with we shall supply you through user manual what combination of yoga postures to be filled by simple adjustment of the posture control tools as to be fixed in your yoga bed.

Parallel, a set of thought lessons to be supplied by the manual related to your mind development process. You just have to keep your attention focused when physically practice the postures.


This product is a life time solution for you & all your family members.

You must want to keep you always physically fit and mentally peaceful. To fulfill your dream, you must choose a solution which is perfectly suitable and affordable.

Spectrum Yoga Bed will exactly do it for you.

Yoga bed - to keep you always mentally & physically fit.
Yoga bed – to keep you always mentally & physically fit.


You just have to spent 12-15 minutes time to use this Bed and that too at any time as per your convenience. Just you need to take a glass of water before practice and never use Yoga Bed after taking heavy food.


This is the most sought after thing in life. But there is a secret key without which you won’t be able to attain at joyful mental condition.

Seriously speaking, we never look after ourselves. If we wanted to do so, first of all the perfectness of our body will come under consideration. Honestly speaking, most of us are physically unfit and therefore rush to Doctors and spend a lot on Medicine.


This unique product not only will help you to become physically fit, but along with will provide peace from within.

A new transformed you then will acquire great qualities, like, Strongness, Joyfulness and Energyfulness.


Make in Inquiry now

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Benefits of yoga bed

Installation of Yoga Bed

It is very simple, because within 10 minutes time, you yourself can install it at your place just by following our Installation manual.

We shall supply you the Product in a sealed Cartoon and from the same day of installation, you along with your all members of your family can start using this Innovative Yoga Bed.

A Teacher Free Product

Since it a self-practicing product, you do not have to engage a Trainer. So discarding straightway any dependence. This is another key to earn self-confidence.


It is advisable that a person with physical disorder, like, suffering from a decease not to use Yoga Bed. After or before any Surgery unless you feel fit, never use this Bed.

Do not undertake over exercising. One time practice for a day is enough.


No formal restriction is applied while start using this Bed. Neither in the sense of Food Habits nor Timing of Practice.

Just take a glass of water before starting Practice. Hats all.


In true sense Spectrum Yoga Bed is a maintenance free Product. Because, there is hardly any machinery which will not act without a battery or involves any sophisticated components. We have taken utmost care while designed this Bed and therefore assuring you to use this Bed for years without any technical trouble.
